Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue is a spectrum of non-specific symptoms resulting from chronic stress. Symptoms include a “tired but wired” feeling combined with exhaustion, nervousness, sugar and caffeine cravings, difficulty falling or staying asleep, with generalized body aches and digestive problems. People frequently complain of “energy crashes” or feeling exhausted and sleepy in the afternoon, difficulty concentrating but then at bedtime inability to fall asleep.
When the body experiences chronic mental, emotional or physical stress the adrenal glands continuously produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol keeps the body in a state of constant alert which overtaxes the adrenal glands and prevent them from producing sufficient cortisol levels. The depleted cortisol level results in the afternoon “crash” or feeling of exhaustion.
Specific saliva and blood tests, ordered by a physician, can diagnosis one of three stages of adrenal fatigue you may be in. If you feel you are experiencing these symptoms it is important to consult a function medicine physician to rule out any other possible health issues, such as Thyroid disease and or Hormone imbalance.
The Treatment is a change in lifestyle, which includes nutrition, sleep, exercise and natural light exposure. All these will counter the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Changes in lifestyle and medical grade supplements as recommended by a physician, will support the adrenal glands and stabilize cortisol levels. This treatment results in less fatigue, more energy and better sleep. Making these critical lifestyle changes is imperative to attain healthier adrenal function.
They are 2 small glands above the kidneys that help support and balance hormones, energy, immune system, blood pressure and response to stress and other essential function.
Yes, all of the above issues can cause a chronic negative impact on adrenal function and over production of Cortisol. These continuous stressors eventually cause the energy crash and constant exhaustion.